Workflows Service

Venkat Pandeti
5 min readOct 19, 2021

This article explains creating a workflow framework using the microservice pattern that enables implementing workflows of multiple types through the “Workflows” microservice that runs the embedded Camunda engine. Camunda is a popular open-source workflow and decision automation platform. Camunda Business Process Management (Camunda BPM) is a lightweight Java-based framework. It can be embedded inside a Java server application using Camunda Maven dependency and Spring Boot.

Design considerations

Workflows service should
- be able to be plugged to any workflow engine
- provide easy onboarding of new workflows
- provide an easy way to resolve the workflow incidents
- provide clear onboarding visibility to the expert onboarding team
- provide UI which is intuitive enough for non-technical admins to use (self-serve)
- be highly available
- be reliable


Workflows service architecture

Three key pillars of the architecture are

  • Event-driven architecture
  • Configuration-driven architecture
  • External tasks

Event-driven architecture



Venkat Pandeti
Venkat Pandeti

Written by Venkat Pandeti

Senior Software Engineer at Intuit

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